Silver Spring Village, in partnership with five other senior villages in Montgomery County (Bethesda Metro Area Village, Bradley Hills Village, Chevy Chase At Home, Friendship Heights Neighbors Network, and Little Falls Village) will host a pair of candidate forums during the upcoming election season. These events will be the first-ever countywide candidate forums dedicated exclusively to issues relating to older adults.
Featuring candidates for County Executive, is planned for Sunday, April 24, 4-6 pm. All candidates for the office (David Blair, Marc Elrich, Tom Hucker, and Hans Riemer) are confirmed participants. Forums will be in an online Zoom webinar format, and will be moderated by Rebecca Wagner, executive director emerita of Interfaith Works.
Candidates will submit written statements about the three or four policy areas they believe are of the greatest significance to older adults. Their statements will form the basis of questions to be asked at the forums. We will also ask forum attendees to suggest additional questions when they register online. The forums will be open to all residents, aged 60-ish and over, whether or not they are members of a village.
All attendees must register for the forums in advance. The deadline for registration is April 21. The link for the Zoom webinar will be sent automatically to registrants a few days prior to each of the forums. It is very important that attendees fill out all of the information requested in the online registration form. We are unable to accept registration by phone or email. Remember to include any questions you would like to see posed to candidates. Once you have registered, we will not be able to accept additional questions.
Click on the link below to register now!